How can Kinesiology help with Anxiety?

Your kinesiologist will use muscle testing to find out all the hidden causes of your anxiety.Through muscle testing we can discover the current stresses and the strains from the past you are still carrying in your system.Sometimes the things we cannot remember at all are the events that trouble us the most.That is because we tend to repress memories of events when we can't cope with them,banning them from memory into our subconscious.There often play out in our body,creating symptoms such as panic attacks,sore muscles,inability to breathe,sleeplessness,sweating and so on.

How can Kinesiology help with Depression?

Depression is often a symptom of repressed anger and frustration. When we don't express our feelings, over time they can turn inwards and become very destructive.Depression should not be treated like a disease but as a symptom that aspects of our life need to be addressed. Through muscle testing your kinesiologist can find out all the hidden causes of your depression and help you to create a programme to bring everything back into balance.Once you do this you naturally regain your joy,creativity and passion for life.

What is Unique about Kate's Kinesiology

Kate draws on many techniques from working with groups and individuals for more than 25 years. She uses a combination of Educational Kinesiology, Touch for Health Kinesiology and classic Coaching skills. Where appropriate she also draws on Art Therapies, Reiki, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Nutrition testing, Acupressure, Reflexology,sound therapy, Primitive Reflexes and Muscle Balancing

She has taught many groups a wide range of life skills e.g. Assertiveness, Coping with Criticism, Dealing with Grief Loss and Change, Anger Management, Stress Management, Communication Skills, Listening Skills, Conflict Resolution, Individual Learning Styles and more.

As a kinesiologist Kate believes in the ultimate wisdom of the body and its ability to know what it needs. Her job is to help her clients connect to that wisdom and apply it to become all they can be.

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