December 17, 2018 Kate Kalin

We all have things we would like to change about our lives. We can all identify things that ‘do our heads in’ and create tension in our lives. Our general level of happiness won’t change until we recognise some things about the way we interact with life. Our energy for change is dependant on how…

May 21, 2018 Kate Kalin No comments exist

With the Leaving Cert approaching quickly, now is the time to get organised for positive study habits. Here are 5 tips for successful study outcomes. 1. SORT OUT YOUR ENVIRONMENT If possible find a quiet place to work and keep that place only for studying. That way you will easily get into study mode each…

February 15, 2018 Kate Kalin No comments exist

INTENTIONS You know how it is. You have the best of intentions. You are determined to make a change, this time…….. Yeah right. Most of us have no problem keeping promises to others, but can’t do the same for ourselves. Why is this? I CAN DO IT FOR OTHERS, WHY NOT FOR ME? You are…

July 22, 2016 Kate Kalin No comments exist

. Symptoms of a Panic Attack   You won’t often notice when someone is suffering from low level anxiety. However, when it gets extreme, or results in a panic attack you can recognise certain symptoms. An anxious person’s breathing usually becomes very fast and shallow. They might gulp air and it can appear like they…