“I help you to discover and resolve the root causes
of your physical or mental pain.”

So you have found me

You've probably found me because you are unhappy, stuck, or are in pain. I've been there too, having experienced years of anxiety, depression and low self esteem due to a challenged upbringing. A car accident in my teens resulted in a head injury, memory problems and ongoing physical pain. I've lost a beloved spouse, and have experienced redundancy from work that I loved. These are all facts but they don't define me any more.

The good news

The good news is that my life changed completely when I found a good kinesiologist. She helped me to resolve my pain, let go of trauma, reintegrate myself and focus on what I wanted in life. I now see the challenges in my life as a gift of empathy. I totally understand the loneliness and pain of the alcoholic or addict family, emotional and physical abuse, and the confusion that grief and loss can throw us into.

Finding the pieces of your puzzle

I know that when you are feeling lost, it's like having pieces of your puzzle missing. You don't have a clue where to start. Kinesiology can unravel your mystery. It helps you find the underlying causes of your difficulties and gently sorts you out.Its the most efficient therapy i've experienced.When we access your inner wisdom we find out what needs to be done to bring your life back into balance. Some of the work will be done at home to keep the process going. Usually this involves simple physical, mental or behavioural exercises that take only a few minutes each day.

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My professional background

After my experience with kinesiology as a client, I was still working with groups using drama, theatre and the arts for personal development in New Zealand. But then I began training as a Kinesiologist. After the closure of our Performing Arts School (that's the redundancy I talked about) I relocated to Ireland and continued to use the arts for training groups in personal development.Now I run my own business primarily as a Kinesiologist. I work with you to discover and resolve the hidden causes of any physical, mental or behavioural distress.


I also draw from my coaching skills and a wide range of life skills training when appropriate e.g. coping with grief, loss and change, assertiveness, coping with criticism, conflict resolution, listening skills, anger management, individual learning styles, and more.I use techniques which are based in modern scientific research into how your brain and body relationship works.This use of manual biofeedback to access the 'bodymind' is combined with the most effective and ancient eastern healing arts.When we access your incredible bodily wisdom.It allows us to find out the most effective things to do to bring you back into balance, peace and harmony.

Access Your Inner Wisdom
“I will help you achieve your physical, mental or behavioural goal by accessing your own inner wisdom. We will clear subconscious blocks and trauma, create new awareness and motivation, and develop new skills for the change you want.”

Katie Kalin Kinesiologist Cork
Katie Kalin Kinesiologist Cork

Kate Kalin - Director, Kinesiologist, Coach.

Kinesiology Consultant in Seven Dimensional Educational Kinesiology and Touch For Health Kinesiology.
M.A.(Hons) DTS. U.C.C. Ireland.
University College Cork Masters based in practical and theoretical research.
Dissertation: 'Psychophysical Training and the Development of Conscious Awareness.'

H.Dip.BC Higher Diploma in Business Coaching awarded by 'Coach Academy Plus'.
Dip.LBC Diploma of Life and Business Coaching awarded by 'Mindstream Academy.'

ITEC Diplomas all with Distinction:
Anatomy and Physiology
Diet and Nutrition
Hygiene and First Aid

Kate Kalin is a Kinesiology Consultant from New Zealand who combines kinesiology with modern coaching methods to help with any physical, emotional or behavioural challenges. She conducted practical research into the use of kinesiology for the development of creative potential for her M.A. at University College Cork, Ireland. Kate has presented her research at national and international conferences.Kate uses kinesiology to detect the underlying causes of challenges her clients face, and to help create unique ways of resolving the problem.

When you feel better you do better
Kate qualified with distinction as a Complementary Health Therapist adding diet and nutrition, reflexology and therapeutic massage to her portfolio, to be able to offer a 360 degree approach to health and performance. Kate believes that "when you feel better, you do better" in all aspects of your life.

Helping people for a long time
Kate has over twenty five years experience as a group facilitator and coach. Her background includes the delivery of training within industry for WINZ in N.Z. She has provided performing arts training in N.Z. and Ireland as well as personal development workshops for various organisations. See testimonials.

And now...
These days Kate enjoys working with a broad spectrum of individuals in her own private practice, as well as providing workshops for groups. Currently her clients include PhD candidates and students facing exams, small business owners, adults with a wide range of physical, emotional or motivation issues, and children with behavioural, emotional or learning challenges.

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Kate Kalin provides her services to clients in Cork Cork City and the surrounding areas like Ballincollig, Midleton, Mallow, Bandon, Kinsale, Carrigaline, the rest of Cork County and the nearby Counties.